Saturday, December 9, 2006


It has been some months since I posted off my resignation letter to the great and powerful Oz morg. Yet still no response. I have some theories.... 1. the incompetence of Australia Post (it is famous for it you know) 2. I've sent it to the wrong person but they haven't had the courtesy to pass it on. 3. They think I was just kidding. 4. So few people actually bother to formally resign that no one quite knows what to do with it so it's festering away at the bottom of the "too hard" basket 5. They have far too many important things to be doing with their time than worrying about my silly little request.

My problem is this: We move house soon and I was hoping not to have to give them my new address so I wanted everything finalised before hand. I know mother-the-mormon will gleefully pass on my mobile phone number (as she has done already I think) but she won't dare give them my home phone or address.

I don't see why it has to be such a big deal. I told my last Bishop that I had discontinued my relationship with the church...shouldn't that be enough??? Why must I still endure 6 monthly phone calls from enthusiastic sister missionaries. They usual get the ESL one to ring me so I feel sort of sorry for her and don't heap abuse down the phone to her. Why not get one of the super confident TBM's fresh from the factory to call? Then I could really give her a spray!

Oh well, I guess I'll have to send another letter. But let this be known, whether I am on their records as such or not... "I AM NOT A MORMON". I'm an exmo survivor and I'm never going back!!


Threads of the Divine said...

Wendy, Welcome to Outer Blogness! It's nice to have someone from down under in the collective group. I look forward to your future posts.

Just one of many said...

Wendy, Glad you've sent the took several months for me to get my letter and I am here in the States!! WElCOME to our Outer Blogness!

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Welcome, welcome, Sabbath morning, now we rest from every care..."

Oh, did I just break out into song?? Shee-it, I'm sooo sorry!

I'm glad you've started your blog, and I look forward to reading more!

C. L. Hanson said...

Hey Wendy!!!

Nice to see another far-flung correspondent in Outer Blogness!!!

Exmormonism: It's not just for North America. ;-)

Sideon said...

Welcome, Wendy!

I look forward to reading more from you.

Be well.

Wendy said...

Thanks guys, you've made me feel really welcome in "outer blogness". I'll keep posting when I can and drop by your sites too.

Happy New year!!!

Elizabeth Thompson, Bradley McMasters, Sarah Parrish & Joseph Abken said...

I was lucky that my resignation process here in the UK took less than a week. Sent the letter on a Saturday and had my "you're out!" letter on Wednesday. Niiiiice!